February 3

Movie Review Mondays


A call back to the Horrorview.com years

I had a great time for about 11 years as a contributor to a horror movie review site called Horrorview.com. It’s defunct now but restoring an old SATA drive let me find a few hundred reviews I originally wrote for the site. Over time, I got a chance to meet a ton of indie writers and filmmakers and to interview some really fun people. What’s really cool is where some of those indie folks wound up. Actor Daniel Ross, for instance, met us at the premiere of Ninjas vs. Monsters. Now, he’s the Emmy-award winning voice of Donald Duck.

If you’re in one of these and want to reconnect, hit me on the socials. If not, enjoy some thoughts on movies you may have seen. It’s like a walk down memory lane. Or we’re running and the slasher behind us looks like he’s running. You know the deal.

One love,



@nick_kelly, horror, Horrorview.com, movie review, Nick Kelly, nK, review

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