Streaming TV offers plenty of DIY shows but very few are as detailed and unique as those covered on the BBC series, The Repair Shop. The shop is home to a talented and skilled group of restoration experts who tackle a broad set of challenges. From the metal works of a pub sign to the stuffing inside of a teddy bear to watches to paintings to ceramic vases, the crew of The Repair Shop never cease to fascinate.

The Cast
Jay Blades manages the shop and is the default master of ceremonies. However, he isn’t always the star of the show. Those duties may fall onto watch expert Steven Fletcher, welder Dominic Chinea, ceramic expert Kirsten Ramsay, woodworker Will Kirk, or any number of other experts.
Each show introduces a combination of challenges that the team must restore or recreate. These challenges are always a playground. Sometimes, Steve needs to make a watch click again. Others, Will needs to make the lock on a drawer lock once more. In the most ornate moments, Kirsten has to hide cracks in a one-of-a-kind teapot, or the team faces other challenges.
The Story
The Repair Shop is housed by a group of dedicated professionals who challenge one another with every project. They are invested in the success and vision that everyone discovers. The crew has goal that is universal but wildly different approaches toward that success. Steve has an entire locker of spare watch parts. Will can rebuild a piece of wood out of anything and make it look exact.
There are two seasons of The Repair Shop available. That’s crap. The BBC has aired 6 seasons. These pro’s are pro’s. We need more!