September 26

Revved up in D.C.


Hey everyone,

I just got back from the National Harbor, where I was not swimming or boating, but hanging with some friends for the first ever Usana celebration in D.C. (Stop, stop, stop. I know the convention center is technically in Maryland, not D.C., so save the emails!)

Thanks to some cooperation from mother nature, I was able to ride my Honda CBR 600 F4i (that’s a motorcycle) up to the event and show off the creative marketing I’ve done with the bike and the Rev3 energy drink. What’s Rev3? Really? How bout a healthy energy drink that doesn’t cause crash and burn, contribute to diabetes, or taste like feet?

I had a chance to meet Jason Miller, who is the Usana director of social media strategy. Jason is a great guy and he’s the one who tweets on behalf of Usana. Jason was excited about the Rev3 additions I made (check them out on my Facebook page!) which is great for me, but means I have a pretty interesting fundraising campaign I’m going to work on for Children’s Hunger Fund next summer, through Usana.

So, I hear you asking yourself now…what’s a Usana. Some of you may recognize the name from my now-infamous Ten-Day Twitter Tour. (Wow, you wouldn’t believe the people I’ve met who followed that debacle…err…adventure!)

Usana is a science-based company dedicated to long-term health products. We provide supplements, food choices and skin care that works…really works. I won’t bash you over the head with information about us, but if you have a health issue or you’re worried about someone who does, drop me a line. I’m happy to explain what we have, what we do, and how we can help.

Tomorrow is another great day at the celebration, and, if that wasn’t enough, I’ll be performing LIVE with Just Wanna Play at Buffalo Moe’s in Stafford, VA. Info HERE!

I hope to see many of you at one of my stops tomorrow, and certainly in the near future. Wanna chat? Just call or write. All the best!

One love,


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