July 27

Music Makes the World Go Bang!


I had a great time discussing how music can influence creative writing with Joe Konrath when he dropped by my blog a few months back. Since then, as you may have guessed, music has been predominant on the radar. JWP has played a ton of shows and Division continues to record “Control Issues” while performing shows in support of the upcoming CD.

Despite chatting about my music, and let me take this opportunity to invite everyone to see Division live at Jaxx on August 15th (for five bucks!), I wanted to discuss the influence of music on my ongoing writing.

I’m still working on Catwalk book four, tentatively titled “Obedient”, and I’ve hardly written a paragraph without some music playing to assist with the mood. Here are a few songs that have helped me to pen the latest adventure of the killer with a conscience.

VNV Nation – I was turned on to this band by a friend in Second Life. Several of their instrumental songs are easy to write to, but “Descent” is great when writing villain scenes.

God Module – I stumbled across this band when I was writing a horror review. I liked their sound. Straight electronica with some twisted samples.

Tad Morose – One seriously dark band. Straightforward metal with an astronomical singer. “Cyberdome” is a favorite.

Celldweller – I’ve been a fan since the Circle of Dust days, but the recent release where fans got to remix the material is a fun listen.

Honorable Mention: She Wants Revenge, Black Sabbath, Evergrey, HIM, Machinae Supremacy. Right vibe but too easy to sing along to…creates distraction. I’m off to go murder some supporting cast. Wish me luck!

One love,


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