March 4

Billy Blanks’ Big Adventure


Ok, this story doesn’t really feature Billy Blanks doing ANYTHING, but he is involved…that evil mastermind!

Sybir and I were workin’ out at our favorite gym, Powerhouse Gym (UN-official gym of Just Wanna Play) and I noticed that the wave master they usually have on the ground floor was gone. (A wave master is like a heavy bag used for punching and kicking, but it has a base typically filled with water (or sand) to weigh it down.) How did I notice it was gone? It was pretty easy. This particular wave master is BRIGHT yellow, with the Tae Bo logo and silhouette of Billy himself on the side.

The investigation ended quickly when I saw said wave master out by the dumpster, which I found curious. While the pad is pretty beat up, the base and core of the thing were in good shape. I asked Kelly about it and he said a new one was coming in and there wasn’t any room. Eureka! I instantly thought of bringing it over to The House, Inc. and adding it to the exercise equipment available to the kids there.

Here’s where it all goes awry. See, I was under the assumption that moving it out to the dumpster had involved removing some of the water from the base to cut down on the weight. Wrong, Cat. Very, very wrong. So, let’s just say the first two attempts at getting it into the truck were not only unsuccessful, they were downright comical.

Anyway, after dumping out a bunch of the water, Sybir and I got the thing into the truck, delivered it to the kids at The House, and called it a night. I learned the important lesson about picking up heavy, wet objects after doing chest and abs, and anyone watching got a good laugh.

In other news, Sybir and I continue to grow our nutritional supplement business at a good clip and welcome anyone with health concerns to contact us or to take a look at the Wolfpack site. If we can help you get well, we’re happy to take the time to assist. JWP is not playing on February 21st, so stay tuned for a make-up date. Division is recording and will next play live on March 14th. More to follow.

Okay, off to write.

One love!


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