July 30

Spectre – My Unique Take on James Bond Films


The latest trailer for “Spectre”, the latest James Bond movie (aka Bond 24) was released this week. The film delves into the past of Bond while M has to wage the political battle to keep the spy organization alive. The movie is a throwback to the original Bond enemies, including nods to Blofeld, Dr. No and the thought of a shadow organization (which appears to be a more intimate look than “Quantum of Solace”.)


I get to experience something unique when I watch a Bond movie. My family has turned Bond movies into a tradition. Not something of a tradition, a tradition to the fullest extent. My dad retired a few years ago from a 30-year career in the FBI. He did audio and video analysis and retired as the forensic support unit chief. He’s also seen every Bond movie and loves the franchise with a fanatical devotion.


My brother served in the Air Force. He was there when the Berlin wall came down. He served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He is an expert marksman and can probably disassemble and reassemble his military issued weapons blindfolded. So, they each come from different backgrounds, but there’s nothing better than listening to the two of them during a Bond flick.


Dad gives me all the callback references to the other Bond flicks, and compares the different actors who have played the titular character, or some of the villains. My brother helps to confirm or dispel some of the technical aspects of the explosives and guns. I get to confirm a lot of the infosec pieces (and I’m stoked that they went with a young hacker as Q.)


Spectre promises it all. Car chases with cars that can do things we’ve never seen. Intimate moments with women we could never approach. Wearable technology that is still a decade away from our developments.


Perfect. James Bond has thrived on being just a few years ahead of our capabilities. Spectre feeds that hunger of the lifestyle we can’t quite establish. I can’t wait to see the finalized product.


Spectre stars Daniel Craig as Bond, Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds), Lea Seydoux (The Grand Budapest Hotel), Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Ralph Fiennes (Schindler’s List).


View the Trailer HERE.


One Love,





@nick_kelly, Christoph Waltz, Daniel Craig, Dave Bautista, James Bond, Nick Kelly, nK, Spectre, Writing

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